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 CAO Yi,WENG He,YANG Xiao hong..Application and exploration of highthroughput sequencing thechnologies in mechanism study of HuanglianJiedu Decoction antagonize Candida albicans[J].,2013,6(01):55-0.





Application and exploration of highthroughput sequencing thechnologies in mechanism study of HuanglianJiedu Decoction antagonize Candida albicans
CAO Yi WENG He YANG Xiaohong.
Department of Dermatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University,Hangzhou 310006,China
Candida albicansHuanglianJiedu DecoctionHighthroughput sequencing thechnologyApplication and discussion
Candida albicans is the most common clinical pathogenic fungus and lifethreatening in serious situations. Triazole is the main drug used in clinic to prevent and treat individuals infected with Candida albicans presently. However, due to longterm extensive usage and single site of action, drug resistance problems have become increasingly prominent. Antimicrobial activity of HuanglianJiedu Decoction has been confirmed, and HuanglianJiedu Decoction has effective role in enhancing sterilization action of western medicine, but the molecular mechanism in which is rarely kown. In this article we discuss the current situation of the highthroughput sequencing thechnologies in the world, and focuse on the application and exploration of highthroughput sequencing thechnologies in the mechanism study of HuanglianJiedu Decoction antagonize Candida albicans.


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作者简介:曹毅(1965- ),博士,教授,主任医师,博士生导师。研究方向:皮肤科临床与科研。Email: caoyi1965@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01