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 PENG Jin ling,BIAN Yu hong,WANG Li,et al.Research progress of Aristolochic acid renal toxicity[J].,2013,6(01):59-0.





Research progress of Aristolochic acid renal toxicity
PENG JinlingBIAN YuhongWANG Liet al.
Immunization Branch, Second People’s Hospital of EPI, Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province,Tangshan 063400,China
Aristolochic acidRenal toxicityAristolochic acid nephropathyPathogenesis 
Aristolonic acid is a nitro phenanthrene organic acid compound found as a main component of Aristolochia, Guan mutong, Asarum, Aristolochia Fangchi and many other medicinal plants. Aristolochic acid is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry due to its anti infection, anti tumor, abortifacient and cellular immunity enhancing properties. Present uses of Aristolochic acid containing Chinese medicine are for the treatment of rheumatic and urinary system diseases. However, there have been increased reports on kidney damage as a result of using Aristolochic acid containing drugs, which, leads to increased research in the field. It is necessary and crucial to provide proper reference for safer clinical use of Chinese traditional medicines with Aristolochic acid components. This paper therefore focuses on the structure, toxicological effects and clinical applications of Aristolochic acid as well as its renal toxicological mechanisms. We therefore conclude that, due to the beneficial medicinal properties of Aristolochic acid, it is necessary to design a safer and effective pharmaceutical dosage formulation and strictly control drug dose and time as well as duration of drug use in order to reduce its toxic effect, thereby increasing its clinical application.


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作者单位:063400 河北省唐山市丰润区第二人民医院计划免疫科(彭金玲);天津中医药大学中医学院免疫教研室(边育红);天津市传染病医院制剂科(王丽);新探健康发展研究中心控烟项目办公室(李金奎)
作者简介:彭金玲(1968- ),本科,主治医师。研究方向:流行病学。Email:chaihuogun0423@yahoo.com.cn
通讯作者:边育红(1968- ),博士,硕士生导师,教授。研究方向:干细胞、表观遗传学。Email:bianyuhong_2012@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01