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 LI Xiao qin,GAO Yu feng,YU Yue,et al.Investigation of electro acupuncture therapy on inhibitory growth factor in rat spinal cord[J].,2013,6(09):653-0.





Investigation of electro acupuncture therapy on inhibitory growth factor in rat spinal cord
LI Xiaoqin GAO Yufeng YU Yue et al.
School of Acupuncturemoxibustion and tuina, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
Electro acupunctureSciatic nerve injuryMyelin associated glycoprotein (MAG)
ObjectiveThrough the experimental study on the effect of MAG expression in the rat spinal cord of electro acupuncture on sciatic nerve injury, to further explore the repair mechanism of electro acupuncture for treatment of peripheral nerve injury, to provide theoretical support for clinical treatment. MethodUse the nerve clamping method to make the sciatic nerve injury model, through the sciatic nerve function index (SFI) and heat pain threshold detection observation rat behavior change; by immunohistochemical staining were observed in the rat spinal cord within the MAG expression, and then statistical analysis of the differences between groups. ResultsBehavioral testing results, improvements in basic function, compared with the model control group and model group, electro acupuncture group (P<005) of sensory and motor function of rat right hind improve. The results of immunohistochemistry showed that in model group, model group and electro acupuncture group MAG expression were higher than that of the normal group (P<005), but the acupuncture treatment group 1 or 2 months after treatment, the expression of MAG was significantly decreased, more and more close to the normal group. ConclusionThe study found that, the general situation of electro acupuncture can improve the rat sciatic nerve, spinal cord of rats in the electro acupunctue group the expression of MAG decreased remarkably, indicating that electro acupuncture can inhibit the release of growth factor inhibition in the spinal cord, promote the regeneration of peripheral nerve injury.


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作者单位:100029 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院[李小琴(硕士研究生)、于跃(硕士研究生)、耿楠(硕士研究生)、高玉峰(博士研究生)、于天源]
作者简介:李小琴(1986- ),女,2011级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:针灸推拿治疗周围神经损伤的机理研究。Email: lixiaoqin041009@163.com
通讯作者:于天源(1965- ),博士,教授,主任医师。研究方向:针灸推拿治疗周围神经损伤的机理研究。Email: yutianyuan@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01