LI Xiao ling,DING Bo,LIU Min..Effect of composition of Codonopsis lanceolata Pistacia and Pistacia chinensis Bge on vomiting model of mink.[J].,2013,6(11):815-0.
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- Title:
Effect of composition of Codonopsis lanceolata Pistacia and Pistacia chinensis Bge on vomiting model of mink.
- 作者:
- Author(s):
LI Xiaoling; DING Bo; LIU Min.
The hospital of qingdao,Qingdao 266001,China
- 关键词:
四叶参提取物; 楷木提取物; 水貂; 呕吐; 5-羟色胺3受体
- Keywords:
Pistacia chinensis extract; Codonopsis lanceolata Benthet Hook extract; Mink; Vomiting; 5HT3 receptor
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
ObjectiveTo investigate the antiemetic effect of the composition of Pistacia chinensis and Codonopsis lanceolata Benthet Hook ( Jie Combination ) on acute emesis in the new vomiting model of minks. Methods(1)Minks were randomly divided into cisplatin group, cisplatin + ondansetron group, cisplatin + lowdose Combination group,cisplatin + middledose Combination group and cisplatin + highdose Combination group. The antiemetic effect of drugs was investigated in the vomiting model of minks induced by cisplatin(75mg·kg-1, ip.) in acute period (6 h) observation.(2)Minks were randomly divided into 1phenylbiguanide hydrochloride (PBG) group, PBG + ondansetron group, PBG + lowdose Combination group ,PBG +middledose Combination group and PBG + highdose Combination group. The antiemetic effect of drugs was investigated in the vomiting model of minks induced by PBG (8 mg·kg-1, ip.) in acute period (6 h) observation. (3) Cisplatin pretreatment of mink in 24 h, detected the content of 5HT of the intestinal tissue by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLCECD), and observe the effect of Jie composition on 5HT releasing on mink ileum.ResultsThe frequency of retching and vomiting was significantly reduced by pretreatment with Jie Combination in middle and high dose (P<005) . Jie composition inhibited the release of 5HT on cisplatin induced mink ileal(P<005). ConclusionJie Combination has a good activity against acute emesis in minks ,the mechanism may involve 5HT and 5HT3 receptors of peripheral and central.
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- 备注/Memo:
作者单位:266001 青岛市立医院急诊科(李晓玲);山东中医药大学基础医学院(丁波);青岛崂山药用植物研究所(刘明)
作者简介:李晓玲(1968- ),女,博士,副主任医师。研究方向:神经病学。Email:libankang1203@126com
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