|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]李兆鑫 李倩倩 刘丽英等.针刺调节心率变异性作用机制的研究进展[J].环球中医药,2014,7(02):143-0.
 LI Zhao xin,LI Qian qian,LIU Li ying,et al.Rearch progress on the mechanism of acupuncture for heart rate variability[J].,2014,7(02):143-0.





Rearch progress on the mechanism of acupuncture for heart rate variability
李兆鑫 李倩倩 刘丽英等
LI Zhaoxin LI Qianqian LIU Liying et al.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
Heart rate variabilityAcupunctureAutonomic nerveReview
心率变异性是反映自主神经系统活性和定量评估交感神经与迷走神经张力及其平衡性的客观指标。目前国内外对针灸调节心率变异性进行了大量研究,其中多数研究认为针灸可以兴奋迷走神经, 抑制交感神经, 从而增强自主神经的整合功能。在今后的研究中,应从病种选择、对照设置、长时程评价等方面加以研究,以更加全面、客观地评价针刺对心率变异性的调节作用。
Heart rate variability is an objective indicator which reflects the autonomic nervous system activity and quantitative evaluation of sympathetic and vagal tone and its balance. Recently, a large number of HRV regulation of acupuncture conducted extensive researches are carried out at home and abroad, and most studies suggest that acupuncture could induce vagus nerve activation and sympathetic inhibition, thereby enhancing the integration of autonomic function. In future studies, the response to disease selection, control settings, and other aspects of longduration evaluation should be improved with a more comprehensive and objective evaluation of acupuncture on the regulation of HRV.


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[15]Lee JH, Kim KH, Hong JW, et al. Comparison of electroacupuncture frequencyrelated effects on heart rate variability in healthy volunteers: a randomized clinical trial[J]. Acupunct Meridian Stud, 2011, 4(2): 107115.
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 WANG Wei ming,XU Huan fang,LIU Zhi shun..Literature review of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of primary ovarian insufficiency[J].,2013,6(02):213.
 LIU Feng,LI Xiang..Research progress on acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of persistent vegetative state[J].,2013,6(02):632.
 WANG Dong qin,ZHAO Chen,CUI Yun hua,et al.Research progress on the mechanism of acupuncturemoxibustion for antiaging[J].,2012,5(02):75.
 LIN Yu fang,SHEN Hong qiang,WANG Yi jun..Preliminary discuss the methods of acupoints selection in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of RA[J].,2012,5(02):866.
[6]苏伟潮 张宏.《医经小学》针灸学术思想探微[J].环球中医药,2014,7(08):615.
[7]王磊 曹丽翠 金莲.黄银兰教授火针治验举隅[J].环球中医药,2014,7(08):646.
[8]包飞 孙华 王道海.西医本科生《针灸治疗学》教学体会[J].环球中医药,2014,7(10):785.
[9]沈惠军 Man-Chi Wong.海外对针灸作用原理研究的概述[J].环球中医药,2014,7(12):966.
 SHEN Hui-jun,Man-Chi Wong.An Overview of the Overseas Studies on the Mechanism of Acupuncture[J].,2014,7(02):966.


作者单位:100010首都医科大学附属北京中医医院针灸科[李兆鑫(硕士研究生)、李倩倩、刘丽英、石广霞、刘存志];天津中医药大学研究生院[李兆鑫(硕士研究生)]作者简介:李兆鑫(1987-),2011级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:针刺防治血管性痴呆的作用机制研究。Email:lovevicky1111@163.com通讯作者:刘存志(1975-),博士,主任医师,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:针灸防治疾病的临床疗效评价和作用机理研究。Email: lcz623780@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01