[1]周新惠 龙丽莉 李春梅等.生三七与蒸制熟三七部分药理作用的比较研究[J].环球中医药,2014,7(06):420-0.
ZHOU Xin hui,LONG Li li,LI Chun mei,et al.Raw versus steamed panax notogonseng in pharmacological effects[J].,2014,7(06):420-0.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Raw versus steamed panax notogonseng in pharmacological effects
- 作者:
周新惠 龙丽莉 李春梅等
- Author(s):
ZHOU Xinhui; LONG Lili; LI Chunmei; et al.
Pharmacy School of Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, China
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
Raw panax notoginseng; Steamed panax notoginseng; Activity differences; Tonifying blood; Stopping bleeding; Activating blood
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
目的 比较生三七、蒸制熟三七在补血、止血和活血方面的药理作用差异。方法 (1)人工造成小鼠急性失血性贫血,给予生三七、蒸制熟三七,测定血常规指标及重要脏器(胸腺、脾脏、肾上腺)的重量,评价生三七、蒸制熟三七的补血作用。(2)用环磷酰胺造成小鼠血虚模型,给予生三七、蒸制熟三七,测定血常规指标及重要脏器(胸腺、脾脏、肾上腺)的重量,评价生三七、蒸制熟三七的补虚作用。(3)测定小鼠出血时间和凝血时间,评价生三七、蒸制熟三七的止血作用。(4)用静脉注射6 %高分子右旋糖酐加冰水刺激造成小鼠微循环障碍,给予生三七、蒸制熟三七,观察小鼠耳廓微循环情况和全血切变率,评价生三七、蒸制熟三七对微循环和血液流变学的影响。结果 (1)生三七、蒸制熟三七均能极显著升高失血性贫血小鼠红细胞总数、血红蛋白含量、白细胞总数,熟三七作用略好于生三七,但无显著性差异;对失血性贫血小鼠脏器重量的影响不显著。(2)生三七、蒸制熟三七对环磷酰胺所致血虚小鼠红细胞总数影响不显著,熟三七高剂量组能显著增加血虚小鼠血红蛋白含量,各给药组显著增加血虚小鼠白细胞总数(尤以复方阿胶浆组和熟三七高剂量组作用更显著);与模型组比较,熟三七高、低剂量组各脏器指数均极显著升高,生三七高、低剂量组有升高的趋势,但作用不显著。(3)各给药组均能显著缩短小鼠出血时间;生三七能显著缩短小鼠凝血时间,熟三七则对凝血时间有缩短趋势,但影响不显著。(4)生三七、蒸制熟三七对微循环障碍小鼠耳廓微动脉口径影响不显著,对微静脉口径10分钟、20分钟时影响不显著,生三七高、低剂量组能显著增加微循环障碍小鼠30分钟时微静脉口径、毛细血管开放量和20分钟时毛细血管开放量;复方丹参片组可显著降低微循环障碍小鼠的全血黏度,熟三七高剂量组有降低的趋势,但作用不显著。结论 生三七、蒸制熟三七对失血性贫血小鼠均有显著的补血作用,熟三七作用略好于生三七,但生、熟三七比较差异无显著性;熟三七高剂量组对环磷酰胺所致血虚小鼠作用显著,生三七高、低剂量组作用不显著,表明在提高免疫、补气作用方面熟三七好于生三七;在止血作用方面,生三七好于熟三七;在改善微循环方面,生三七好于熟三七,熟三七组仅高剂量组有一定作用,而且起效较慢;在改善血液黏度方面,熟三七好于生三七。
- Abstract:
Objective To compare the pharmacological differences between raw and steamed panax notoginseng on tonifying blood, stopping bleeding, and activating blood. Methods (1) The experiment was performed on mice artificially induced acute hemorrhagic anemia, which were administrated with raw or steamed panax notoginseng. The blood routine indexes were tested to evaluate the promoting effects of raw and steamed panax notoginseng on blood loss anemia mices. (2) The animal model was made by injecting cyclophosphamide intraperitoneally to induce mice blood deficiency. Raw and steamed panax notoginseng were given orally for some time. The blood routine indexes and immune organs (thymus,、spleen,、adrenal gland) weights were determined to observe the tonifying blood effects of raw and steamed panax notoginseng on blood deficiency mice induced by cyclo phosphamide.(3) The experimental mice were orally given raw or steamed panax notoginseng. The bleeding time and coagulation time in mice were determined to evaluate the stopbleeding effects of raw and steamed panax notoginseng. (4) 6 % high molecular dextran (iv) and ice water were used to cause mice microcirculation disturbance. Raw and steamed panax notoginseng were given orally to mice for certain time. Microcirculation was observed and the blood shear rate was measured by automatic blood cell analyzer to evaluate the effects of raw and processed panax notoginseng on microcirculation and hemorheology. Results (1) Raw and steamed panax notoginseng could both significantly increase RBC number, Hb content and WBC number of blood loss anemia mice. Steamed groups did slightly better, but there were no significant differences between raw and steamed. No significant influence was performed on immune organ weights of blood loss anemia mice. (2) Raw and steamed panax notoginseng both had no significant influence on RBC number of blood deficiency mice induced by cyclophosphamide. Compared with the model group, high dose group of steamed panax notoginseng could significantly increase the Hb content of blood deficiency mice. All medication administration teams significantly increased the WBC number in blood deficiency mice, especially compound EJiao slurry group and high dose of steamed panax notoginseng group. The immune organs (thymus, spleen, adrenal gland) indexes of high and low dose steamed panax notoginseng group were quite significantly higher than model group. That of the high and low dose of raw panax notoginseng increased, but the effects were not significant. (3) Medication administration teams all could significantly short blooding time. Raw panax notoginseng could significantly short coagulation time when the steamed ones had the tendency to reduce the blood coagulation time but not significant. (4) Raw and steamed panax notoginseng had no significant effect on artery width and also on vein width at 10min, 20min after administration. High and low dose of raw panax notoginseng both could increase vein width and the number of dilatation of capillary at 30min and the number of dilatation of capillary at 20 min. Conclusion Raw and steamed panax notoginseng both could significantly tonify blood for blood loss anemia mice and steamed sample did slightly better, but there were no significant differences. High dose group of steamed panax notoginseng could significantly increase the WBC number and thymus, spleen, adrenal gland indexes of blood deficiency mice cyclophosphamide induced. That of the high and low dose of raw panax notoginseng increased, but not significant. From this experiment,it can be seen that steamed panax notoginseng performs better on improving immunity and tonifying qi ; raw panax notoginseng has better stopbleeding;and on improving microcirculation effects, raw panax notoginseng is superior to steamed samples, of which high dose group has certain effects but effects slow; on promoting blood viscosity, steamed panax notoginseng is better than the raw one.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目: 国家中医药管理局2011年中医药行业科研专项(201107007)
作者单位: 650500 昆明医科大学药学院 [周新惠(硕士研究生)、张荣平];云南中医学院中药学院 [周新惠(硕士研究生)、龙丽莉、李春梅、赵荣华、毛晓健]
作者简介: 周新惠(1987 ),女,2011级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:天然药物资源开发与利用。Email:xinhuizhou@163.com
通讯作者: 张荣平(1964 ),博士,教授。研究方向:天然药物活性成分研究。Email: zhrpkm@163.com;毛晓健(1967 ),硕士,教授。研究方向:临床中药学、中药药理。Email:maoxj7@sina.com。张荣平、毛晓健并列本文通讯作者。
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