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 XIN Si-yuan,LIN Chi,WANG Pei,et al.Analysis of the relationship between uterine position and Sanyinjiao effect on 86 PD patients with cold and dampness stagnation pattern[J].,2015,8(02):129-133.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2015.02.001]





Analysis of the relationship between uterine position and Sanyinjiao effect on 86 PD patients with cold and dampness stagnation pattern
067000 承德医学院针灸推拿教研室(辛思源); 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院[林驰(博士研究生)、王培(博士研究生)、胡妮娟(硕士研究生)、郝杰(硕士研究生)、齐丹丹(博士研究生)、吴桂雯(硕士研究生)、胡尚卿(硕士研究生)、马良宵、朱江]; 国家中医药管理局针灸特色疗法评价重点研究室(朱江)
XIN Si-yuan LIN Chi WANG Pei et al.
Teaching and Research Section of Acupuncture and Massage, Chengde Medical College, Chengde 067000, China Corresponding author: ZHU Jiang, E-mail: jzhjzh@263.net
寒湿凝滞证 原发性痛经 子宫位置 经穴效应 三阴交穴 疼痛视觉模拟评分量表值
Primary dysmenorrhea Uterine position Acupoint effect Sanyinjiao(SP6) Visual analogue scale of pain values
目的 通过对一项针刺治疗寒湿凝滞证原发性痛经的临床试验的相关数据进行分析,探讨寒湿凝滞证原发性痛经子宫位置与三阴交穴效应的关系。方法 按照中央完全随机方案将96例寒湿凝滞证原发性痛经患者随机均等分为期望得气组和期望不得气组,排除子宫位置资料不全者最终纳入86例,于治疗前通过超声对每位受试者子宫位置进行评估,当疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS-P)值≥40 mm时,取双侧三阴交穴,期望得气组以Φ 0.3×40 mm一次性无菌管针直刺1~1.2寸,每10分钟行平补平泻手法30秒; 期望不得气组以Φ 0.18×13 mm一次性无菌管针弹入即可,不施手法,两组均留针30分钟后缓慢平和的将针渐渐退出,进行疗效检测。采用疼痛视觉模拟评分量表(VAS-P)值评价两组治疗前、起针即刻(针刺30分钟)和起针后10分钟(40分钟)的疼痛情况。并比较各子宫位置反应者比例(治疗前后VAS-P值降低50%及以上患者的比例)、总体有效率、起针即刻效应(治疗前VAS-P值-起针即刻VAS-P值)与起针后效应(治疗前VAS-P值-起针后10分钟VAS-P值)。数据采用重复测量的方差分析、卡方检验、单因素方差分析或非参数检验。结果 不同子宫位置间治疗前后各时点VAS-P值、反应者率、总体有效率、起针即刻效应与后效应比较均无显著统计学差异(P≥0.05)。结论 现有统计结果提示子宫位置可能与三阴交穴效应无关,其结果有待于前瞻性临床随机对照试验的证实。
Objective To explore the relationship between uterine position and acupoint effect through data analysis from a multi-center, randomized, controlled trial for the treatment of PD patients with cold and dampness stagnation pattern. Methods 96 cold and dampness stagnation pattern PD participants were randomly and equally divided into two treatment groups: deqi group and no deqi group. Participants were diagnosed with uterine position by ultrasonography before treatment. The intervention was carried out on bilateral Sanyinjiao(SP6)when the participant's visual analog scale of pain(VAS-P)score was equal or more than 40mm, deqi group with Φ0.3×40 mm disposable tube needle piercing 1 to 1.2 cun, no deqi group with Φ0.18×13 mm disposable tube needle into epidermis, both groups remain the needle 30min and withdraw it gradually and slowly. The remission of pain was measured with a 0~100 mm VAS-P before the intervention, at 5 min, 30 min and 40 min throughout the intervention. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance, chi-square test analysis and one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)or non-parametric test. Data were analyzed to use repeated-measures analysis of variance, chi-square test analysis and one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)or non-parametric test. Results Among the different uterine position patients, VAS-P values at each time point, overall efficiency, needle immediate effect and after-effect showed no significant difference(P≥0.05). Conclusions The results suggest that uterine position may not have relation with Sanyinjiao(SP6)effect, The results need to be confirmed by a prospective randomized controlled clinical trials.


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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2012CB518506,2006CB504503); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(30973793); 教育部博士点基金(20090013110005) 作者简介:辛思源(1986- ),女,硕士,助教。研究方向:经穴主治规律研究。E-mail: xinsiyuan_cdmc@163.com 通讯作者:朱江(1954- ),女,硕士,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:经穴效应特异性研究。E-mail: jzhjzh@263.net
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-02-20