|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 QIAO Fo-xiao,YU Yu-hong,LI-Yan..Overview of pharmacological action and toxic effects of Piper Longum[J].,2015,8(04):507-512.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2015.04.038]





Overview of pharmacological action and toxic effects of Piper Longum
作者单位:101111 北京,亚宝药业集团亚宝药业北京药物研究院(乔佛晓、禹玉洪); 中国医学科学院协和药物研究所(乔佛晓、李燕)
QIAO Fo-xiao YU Yu-hong LI-Yan.
Beijing Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Yabao pharmaceutical, Yabao Pharmaceutical Group co., LTD, Beijing 101111, China Corresponding author:LI-Yan, E-mail:yanli@imm.ac.cn; YU Yu-hong, E-mail:yyh100218@sohu.com
荜茇 化学成分 药理作用 安全性
Piper longum L. Chemical constituents Pharmacological effects Safety profile
Chinese herbal medicine is used more and more in human health, due to fewer adverse reactions. Thousands of plants have been used traditionally to treat various diseases. Among them, plants in Pipraceae play an important role in the treatment of many human diseases.Piper longum L.,as a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, so far has been used for the treatment of various diseases such as: cancer, protecting liver, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune regulation, dilating the coronary vessels, anti-bacterial, anti-platelet, anti-hyperlipidemic, relieving pain, insecticidal, protecting radiation, inhibiting melanin generation, protecting myocardial, anti-depression, anti-fungal, anti-amiba and other pharmacological effect. Piper longum L. and its main active components piperine and piperlonguminine have better safety. This study provides detailed information about the Piper longum L., including phytochemistry, pharmacological profile and safety profile. In view of the commercial, economic, and medicinal importance of the Piper longum L., it is useful for researchers to study the plant in detail.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(2011ZX09201-201); 山西省基础研究项目(2011011035-5) 作者简介:乔佛晓(1985-),女,博士,副研究员。研究方向:药理学和药物代谢动力学。E-meil:qiaofoxiao1985@163.com 通讯作者:李燕(1954-),女,博士,研究员,博士生导师。研究方向:肝脏分子药理学和药物代谢动力学。E-mail:yanli@imm.ac.cn; 禹玉洪(1972-),博士,研究员。研究方向:中药制剂。 E-mail:yyh100218@sohu.com。李燕、禹玉洪并列为本文通讯作者。
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-04-20