|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]许皖,柳海艳,钟赣生,等.甘遂半夏汤加减甘遂及不同品种甘草对腹水模型大鼠肝脏CYP450 mRNA的影响[J].环球中医药,2016,9(05):521-527.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.002]
 XU Wan,LIU Hai-yan,ZHONG Gan-sheng,et al.Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and varieties of glycyrrhiza on the CYP450 mRNA of liver of ascites model rats[J].,2016,9(05):521-527.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.002]

甘遂半夏汤加减甘遂及不同品种甘草对腹水模型大鼠肝脏CYP450 mRNA的影响()




Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and varieties of glycyrrhiza on the CYP450 mRNA of liver of ascites model rats
100029 北京中医药大学基础医学院[许皖(硕士研究生)、张建美(硕士研究生)、郭岩松(硕士研究生)、修琳琳(博士研究生)、王思睿(硕士研究生)],基础医学院方药系(钟赣生、柳海艳),科研实验中心(于雪)
XU Wan LIU Hai-yan ZHONG Gan-sheng et al.
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
反药组合 甘遂 炙甘草 炙光果甘草 炙胀果甘草 CYP450 mRNA
Incompatible herbs Kansui Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat. CYP450 mRNA
目的 观察含不同品种甘草的甘遂半夏汤加减甘遂甘草反药组合对腹水模型大鼠肝脏CYP450 mRNA的影响。方法 采用Walker-256细胞制造癌性腹水模型,将Wistar大鼠按体质量随机分为空白组、模型组、阳性对照组、全方炙甘草组、全方炙光果甘草组、全方炙胀果甘草组、去遂炙甘草组、去遂炙光果甘草组、去遂炙胀果甘草组、去炙甘草组、去炙甘草醋甘遂组,共计11组。空白组和模型组灌胃蒸馏水,其余各给药组灌胃相应药物。给药11天后,摘取肝脏,液氮保存,进行PCR实验。结果 在CYP2E1 mRNA表达方面,全方炙甘草组、全方炙胀果甘草表达下调,且优于全方去掉一味或两味反药。三个甘草品种的甘遂半夏汤的CYP3A1 mRNA、CYP3A2 mRNA表达上调,且优于全方去掉一味或两味反药。结论(1)全方炙甘草组、全方炙胀果甘草组在CYP450表达方面表现出一定的药效作用,其中全方炙甘草组优于全方炙胀果甘草,且均优于全方去掉一味或两味反药组。(2)全方炙光果甘草组则未表现出一定的药效作用,但也未表现出毒性作用,弱于去掉一味或两味反药。
Objective To observe the effect of different varieties of glycyrrhiza and kansui incompatible herbs in Gansui Banxia decoction on liver CYP450 mRNA ascites model rat. Methods The Walker-256 cell was used to manufacture carcinomatous ascites model. The Wistar rats were randomly divided into blank group, model group, positive control group, complete formula with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. group, complete formula with Glycyrrhiza glabra L.group, complete formula with Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. group, the Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Without kansui group, the Glycyrrhiza glabra L.without kansui group, the Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. without kansui group, prescription without glycyrrhiza group, prescription without glycyrrhiza and kansui group, a total of 11 group. The blank control group and model group were given distilled water, the rest of the drug group were given corresponding drugs. After 11 days of treatment, the liver was removed and stored in liquid nitrogen and saved for PCR experiment. Results The expression of CYP2E1 mRNA in complete formula with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. group and complete formula with Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Group were down-regulation and superior to add and subtract the prescription. CYP3A1 and CYP3A2 mRNA expression in the three complete formula groups with three species of glycyrrhiza were up-regulated, and better than add and subtract the prescription. Conclusion(1)CYP450 expression in complete formula with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. group and complete formula Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. group showed certain effect, which Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. group is better than the roast Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat., and was better than the group which was added and subtracted the prescription.(2)The complete formula with Glycyrrhiza glabra L.group did not show a certain effect, but also did not show toxic effects, the effect was weak than the group which was added and subtracted the prescription.


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 GUO Yan song,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and trichosanthes[J].,2015,8(05):1025.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.001]
 XU Wan,ZHANG Jian mei,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and fritillary[J].,2015,8(05):1031.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.002]
 XU Wan,ZHANG Jian mei,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and pinellia ternate[J].,2015,8(05):1038.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.003]
 XIU Lin lin,ZHONG Gan sheng,ZHANG Jian mei,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility sargassum and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1044.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.004]
 XIU Lin lin,ZHONG Gan sheng,ZHANG Jian mei,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility genkwa flos and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1050.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.005]
 ZHANG Jian mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility kansui radix and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1053.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.006]
 ZHANG Jian mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility euphorbia pekinensis and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1059.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.007]
 GUO Yan song,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility ginseng and veratrum nigrum[J].,2015,8(05):1064.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.008]
 ZHANG Jian-mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan-sheng,et al.Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and glycyrrhiza on pathological morphology of liver of ascites rat under different times[J].,2016,9(05):534.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.004]


基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2011CB505306); 北京中医药大学2016年度基本科研业务费项目(中青年教师类)(2016-JYB-JSMS-005)
作者简介: 许皖(1990- ),女,2013级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:中药药性理论研究。E-mail:1043855021@qq.com
通讯作者: 钟赣生(1961- ),硕士,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:中药药性理论研究。E-mail:zhonggansheng@sohu.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-05-06