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 HUANG Yao-lian,LUO Gui-qing,LI Lei..Clinical research progress of acupuncture therapy in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea[J].,2016,9(05):631-635.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.032]





Clinical research progress of acupuncture therapy in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea
香港佛教联合会——香港大学中医临床教研中心(黄耀连); 香港大学中医药学院[罗桂青(博士研究生)、李磊]
HUANG Yao-lian LUO Gui-qing LI Lei.
The Hong Kong Buddhist Association-The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine,Hong Kong,China
针刺 原发性痛经 综述
Acupuncture Primary dysmenorrhea Literature review
To observe the clinical research progress of acupuncture therapy treating primary dysmenorrhea, the literatures of clinical research on the acupuncture therapy in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in recent years were sorted and analyzed in this review. It showed(1)Most of the literature was the observation of the curative effect, the study on the mechanism of acupuncture analgesia for primary dysmenorrhea was still not much.(2)Sanyinjiao(SP6)、Shiqizhui(EX-B8)、Ciliao(BL-32)were the common use for PD treatment while SP6 was the most common out of the three.(3)Warm acupuncture was frequently-used in the syndrome differentiation of TCM, intradermal needling and eye acupuncture was followed.(4)Most of the researches were not completed with follow-ups which resulted was lack of evidence to prove the clinical effect.(5)The foreign literatures reported 2 studies of acupuncture, 3 studies of electro-acupunture and 1 study of eye acupuncture therapy. The review found promising evidence for the use of acupuncture in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea on relieving the menstrual pain. The treatment of primary dysmenorrhea with acupuncture has the advantages of simple and convenient operation, various methods, little toxic and side effects, and has a definite curative effect. We should further improve the design of clinical trials of acupuncture treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in order to elucidate the mechanism of analgesia of acupuncture, and make the acupuncture to be better used in clinical.


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作者简介: 黄耀连(1986- ),女,本科,中医师。研究方向:常见妇科病症的针刺治疗。E-mail:florencewonglg@gmail.com
通讯作者:李磊(1958- ),博士,副教授。研究方向:针灸临床研究。E-mail:llie@hku.hk
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-05-06