|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]彭麒朕 耿建国 邹大威 高彦彬 龚慕辛 吴晓明 尚雅文.糖肾宁对高糖培养的小鼠系膜细胞TGF-β1和P38MAPK表达的影响[J].环球中医药,2017,10(03):265-269.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2017.03.003]
 Peng Qizhen,Geng Jianguo,Zou Dawei,et al.Effects of Tangshenning on TGF-β1 and P38MAPK signal pathway in mouse mesangial cells with high glucose condition[J].,2017,10(03):265-269.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2017.03.003]





Effects of Tangshenning on TGF-β1 and P38MAPK signal pathway in mouse mesangial cells with high glucose condition
彭麒朕 耿建国 邹大威 高彦彬 龚慕辛 吴晓明 尚雅文
100069 北京,首都医科大学中医药学院中医临床基础学系[彭麒朕(硕士研究生)、耿建国、邹大威、高彦彬、龚慕辛、吴晓明(博士研究生)、尚雅文(硕士研究生)]
Peng QizhenGeng JianguoZou Daweiet al.
School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing Key Laboratory of TCM Collateral Disease Theory Research, Beijing 100069, China
糖肾宁 糖尿病肾病 转化生长因子-β1 纤维连接蛋白
Tangshenning Diabetic nephropathy Transforming growth factor-β1 Fibronectin
目的 观察糖肾宁对高糖培养的小鼠系膜细胞转化生长因子-1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)和P38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(P38 mitogen activated protein kinases,P38MAPK)表达的影响。方法 以体外高糖培养的小鼠系膜细胞为研究对象,实验分为正常对照组、高糖培养组、高糖+缬沙坦组和高糖+糖肾宁高、中、低剂量组,使用大鼠含药血清给药分别处理24小时,用ELISA法检测细胞上清液中纤维连接蛋白(fibronectin,FN)的含量水平; 运用Western Blot方法检测P-P38MAPK、环磷腺苷效应元件结合蛋白(cAMP-response element binding protein,CREB)、TGF-β1的蛋白水平。结果 与正常对照组比较,高糖培养组系膜细胞上清液中FN蛋白表达明显升高(P<0.05); 与高糖组比较,糖肾宁组能明显抑制P38MAPK及其下游核转录因子CREB 的水平,下调TGF-β1和FN的表达(P<0.05)。结论 糖肾宁能够抑制细胞外基质增生,可能与下调TGF-β1,抑制P38MAPK/CREB信号通路的激活,从而抑制FN等细胞外基质的合成有关。
Objective To observe the influence of Tangshenning on the expression of TGF- beta 1 and P38MAPK in murine mesangial cells cultured with high glucose. Methods Murine mesangial cells was used as the research subjects and divided into six groups: normal control group, high glucose group, high glucose administered with valsartan group, high glucose administered with high dosage of Tangshenning, high glucose administered with medium dosage of Tangshenning and high glucose administered with low dosage of Tangshenning group. All research subjects were administered with respective medicine according to their groups for 24 hours, then high glucose stimulated cell changes were observed, the protein level of the culture supernatant was measured by ELISA. The protein level of P38MAPK, CREB and TGF-β1 were detected by western blot. Results Compared with the normal control group, the proliferation rate of murine mesangial cells cultured in high glucose group is significantly higher(P<0.05), the expression of FN protein in the supernatant is significantly increased(P<0.05). Compared with the high glucose group, the proliferation of murine mesangial cells from all the three Tangshenning groups were significantly depressed(P<0.05), the level of P38MAPK and its downstream transcription factor CREB were significantly decreased(P<0.05)and the expressions of TGF-β1 and FN were significantly down regulated(P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the indexes of between valsartan group and the three Tangshenning groups. Conclusion Tangshenning could down regulate the expression of TGF-β1 and FN protein by inhibiting the P38MAPK signaling pathway, thereby inhibiting FN protein and protecting renal function.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(81302951); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2012CB518602)
作者简介: 彭麒朕(1989- ),2014级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:中医药防治糖尿病。E-mail:pqzhdwj@163.com
通信作者: 耿建国(1956- ),博士,教授,主任医师,硕士生导师。研究方向:中医药防治糖尿病。E-mail:gengdoctor@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-03-06