|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]元小红 叶超 江泽辉 伍绍明 于海川 李春根.骶神经电针刺激对脊髓全横断损伤后神经源性膀胱大鼠脊髓神经生长因子NGF及其受体TrkA表达的影响[J].环球中医药,2017,10(08):813-816.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2017.08.003]
 YUAN Xiaohong,YE Chao,JIANG Zehui,et al.Effects of sacral electroacupuncture on the expression of NGF and TrkA in spinal cord of rats with spinal cord transection injury[J].,2017,10(08):813-816.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2017.08.003]





Effects of sacral electroacupuncture on the expression of NGF and TrkA in spinal cord of rats with spinal cord transection injury
元小红 叶超 江泽辉 伍绍明 于海川 李春根
100700 北京中医药大学东直门医院骨二科[元小红(博士研究生)、叶超、江泽辉、伍绍明、于海川、李春根]
YUAN XiaohongYE ChaoJIANG Zehuiet al.
Second Department of Orthopaedics,Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliate to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700,China
神经源性膀胱 脊髓损伤 电刺激疗法 神经生长因子 神经生长因子氨酸激酶受体
Neurogenic bladder Spinal cord injury Electrical stimulation therapy Nerve growth factor TrkA receptor
目的 观察电针刺激骶2神经对脊髓全横断损伤后神经源性膀胱大鼠膀胱重量、排尿量、神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF)及其酪氨酸激酶受体(TrkA)的影响,探讨骶神经电针刺激治疗脊髓全横断损伤后神经源性膀胱的机制。方法 以尖刀横断T9脊髓方式建立大鼠脊髓全横断损伤后神经源性膀胱模型,通过膀胱重量、排尿量的测量观察空白组、模型组、电针组大鼠的膀胱功能变化; 通过Western blot方法观察各组大鼠脊髓内NGF及TrkA表达情况,并统计分析各组间的差异。结果 治疗4周后,与空白组比较,模型组和电针组膀胱重量均明显增高(P<0.05)。与模型组比较,电针组膀胱重量降低(P>0.05)。与空白组比较,模型组手法排尿量增加(P<0.05)。与空白组比较,电针组手法排尿量增加(P>0.05)。与模型组比较,电针组手法排尿量减少(P>0.05)。空白组和电针组的NGF及TrkA的表达明显高于模型组(P<0.05)。电针组的NGF高于空白组,TrkA的表达低于空白组(P>0.05)。结论 骶神经电针刺激治疗可以通过提高损伤脊髓局部神经生长因子NGF及其高亲和力受体TrkA的表达,抑制脊髓损伤局部神经细胞凋亡,保护神经细胞并促进损伤神经的恢复。同时电针刺激促进排尿反射的协调进行,改善SCI后NB的膀胱功能。
Objective To observe the influence of electroacupuncture stimulation on S2 nerve of the bladder weight, urine output and the expression of NGF and TrkA of rats with neurogenic bladder after spinal cord transection injury and it's mechanism. Methods To build a model of neurogenic bladder after spinal cord transection injury by remove the T9 spinal cord with a sharp scalpel blade, the bladder function were detected by bladder weight, urine output. The expression of NGF and TrkA were detected by Western blot method, and the differences between the groups were statistically analyzed. Results 4 weeks after treatment, compared with blank group, the bladder weight of model group and the electroacupuncture group were significantly increased(P<0.05). Compared with model group,the bladder weight of electroacupuncture group was decreased(P>0.05). Compared with blank group, the urine output of model group was increased(P<0.05). Compared with blank group, the urine output of the electroacupuncture group was increased(P>0.05). Compared with model group, the urine output of the electroacupuncture group was decreased(P>0.05). The expression of NGF and TrkA in blank group and electroacupuncture group was obviously higher than that in model group(P<0.05). The expression of NGF in electroacupuncture group was higher than that in blank group, the expression of TrkA was lower than that in blank group(P>0.05). Conclusion Sacral electroacupuncture therapy can improve the expression of both NGF and TrkA in the local nerve of damaged spinal cord, inhibite apoptosis of the damaged spinal cord, protect nerve cells and promote the recovery of damaged nerve. At the same time, electroacupuncture can promote the coordination of micturition reflex and improve NB bladder function after SCI.


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作者简介: 元小红(1987- ),女,2014级在读博士研究生。研究方向:脊髓损伤与关节软骨再生。E-mail: zhenjiuyuan@126.com
通信作者: 李春根(1965- ),博士,主任医师,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:脊髓损伤与关节软骨再生。E-mail:leechungen@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-08-06