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 XU Zhao-xia,LI Xue-liang,QIAN Peng,et al.Change of TGF-β1 and smad3, smad7 in lung of asthma rats and the effect of different TCM treatment to them[J].,2012,5(12):900-0.





Change of TGF-β1 and smad3, smad7 in lung of asthma rats and the effect of different TCM treatment to them
许朝霞; 李学良; 钱鹏; 李娜; 燕海霞; 郭睿; 郝一鸣; 陈理君;
XU Zhao-xia LI Xue-liang QIAN Peng et al.
Basic Medical College,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, 201203,China
哮喘 转化生长因子-β Smad3蛋白 Smad7蛋白 肺系数
Asthma Transforming growth factor-β Smad3 Smad7 Lung coefficient
目的探讨转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)和Smads蛋白在哮喘大鼠肺组织中的变化及宣肺、固本、宣肺固本三种中医治法(宣肺方、固本方、宣肺固本方)对其的影响。方法以卵蛋白复制大鼠哮喘模型,并用不同中医治法(宣肺方、固本方、宣肺固本方)对其进行干预。在激发哮喘并治疗4周后处死,观察各组大鼠肺系数的变化,并用免疫组化法检测大鼠支气管肺组织中TGF-β1和Smad3、Smad7蛋白的表达。结果经治疗后,(1)哮喘大鼠的肺系数有不同程度的升高,中药治疗组与地塞米松组间的差异有统计学意义; (2)哮喘大鼠支气管肺组织TGF-β1、Smad3蛋白的表达水平升高,而Smad7蛋白的表达下降,三种中医治法对其均有影响,宣肺固本治法优于其他治法,有统计学意义。结论哮喘大鼠气道重建模型中TGF-β1、Smad3蛋白与气道重塑呈正相关,而Smad7蛋白则与气道重塑呈负相关; 中医宣肺固本法治疗哮喘气道重建可能与调节TGF-β1和Smad3、Smad7蛋白的表达水平有关。
Objective The work aimed to explore the diversification of transforming growth factor-beta1(TGF-β1)and Smads protein in lung of asthma rats and effect of three TCM treatment methods, as body resistance-strengthening therapy, lung-diffusing therapy, integrated therapy of lung-diffusing and body resistance-strengthening on airway remodel of asthmatic rats. Methods The study copyed rat asthma model based on ovalbumin, used gavage treatment with Chinese medicine. After four weeks, we researched lung coefficient of rats, and TGF-β1 and Smad3, Smad7 protein expression in rat lung tissues detected by immunohistochemical method. Results After treatment,(1)The lung coefficient of asthmatic rats increased different degrees, there was significant difference between the TCM treatment groups and dexamethasone group.(2)TGF-β1 and Smad3 protein expression levels increased in asthma rat lung tissues, and Smad7 protein expression reduced. Three TCM treatment methods is good to them, and lung- diffusing and body resistance- strengthening is best in these treatment, there is statistically significant. Conclusion There is positively correlation between TGF-β1, Smad3 and airway remodeling, the negative correlation between Smad7 and asthma airway remodeling.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(8107278); 上海市自然科学基金(10ZR1429900)
作者单位:201203 上海中医药大学基础医学院[许朝霞、李学良(博士研究生)、钱鹏、李娜、燕海霞、郭睿、郝一鸣、陈理君(本科)]
作者简介:许朝霞(1970- ),女,博士,副研究员。研究方向:中医药对呼吸系统疾病的防治。E-mail:zhaoxia7001@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01