|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]沈惠军 Man-Chi Wong.海外对针灸作用原理研究的概述[J].环球中医药,2014,7(12):966-0.
 SHEN Hui-jun,Man-Chi Wong.An Overview of the Overseas Studies on the Mechanism of Acupuncture[J].,2014,7(12):966-0.





An Overview of the Overseas Studies on the Mechanism of Acupuncture
沈惠军 Man-Chi Wong
SHEN Hui-jun Man-Chi Wong
Acupuncture Programme,The University of Lincoln, Lincoln, The United Kingdom
针灸 局部传导 闸门控制理论 神经体液 形态奇异性 神经节段 神经节段针灸
Acupuncture Local transduction Gate-control theory Neurohumoral Morphogenetic singularity Nerve segment Segmental acupuncture
This article looks into different theories and hypotheses developed overseas over last five decades on how acupuncture works. They include local mechano-transduction theory, gate-control theory, neurohumoral theory, morphogenetic singularity theory and nerve segment theory. The rationality and defects of each theory is discussed with comparison. It concludes that the mechanism of acupuncture is most likely to be an integration of multiple physiological processes.


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作者单位:英国林肯大学针灸专业(沈惠军); 荷兰莱顿大学医学中心内分泌科(Man-Chi Wong)
作者简介:沈惠军(1957- ),硕士,英国中医药学会副会长。研究方向:中医药和针灸的国际交流和推广。E-mail:huijunshen@hotmail.co.uk
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01