|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]漆伟 雷伟 严亚波 张扬等.冬虫夏草药理学作用的研究进展[J].环球中医药,2014,7(03):227-0.
 QI Wei,LEI Wei,YAN Ya bo,et al.Pharmacological study progress of the Cordyceps sinensis[J].,2014,7(03):227-0.





Pharmacological study progress of the Cordyceps sinensis
漆伟 雷伟 严亚波 张扬等
QI WeiLEI WeiYAN Yaboet al.
Department of Orthopaedics, Xijing Hospital,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xian 710032,China
Cordyceps sinensisMonomeric active ingredientsPharmacological action
Cordyceps sinensis, a kind of famous and precious traditional Chinese medicine, is rich in a variety of active ingredients such as Cordyceps Polysaccharide, Cordycepin, Cordycepic acid, Cordymin and Ergosterol. Modern medicine has found extensive pharmacological actions of Cordyceps sinensis including antitumor, immunomodulatory, hypoglycemic, antioxidation and the protective effect of kidney function. The present study has confirmed that Cordyceps sinensis and monomeric active ingredients are useful in treatment of many diseases. This paper summarizes the study progress of the pharmacological action of Cordyceps sinensis and its monomeric active ingredients from two aspects: the research status of the monomeric active ingredients and the pharmacological effects of Cordyceps sinensis based on retrieving information in recent years, and aims to contribute to the further exploitation and application of Cordyceps sinensis.


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作者单位:710032西安,第四军医大学西京骨科医院骨四科[漆伟(博士研究生)、雷伟、严亚波、张扬、刘帅(博士研究生)、曹鹏冲(博士研究生)、樊勇];解放军第520医院外科(漆伟)作者简介:漆伟(1983- ),2011级在读博士研究生,主治医师。研究方向:脊柱内固定生物力学研究、骨质疏松症的药物治疗。Email: chris.qi.wei@gmail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01