|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]彭园园,张莉,刘通等.电针“委中”穴对大鼠腰多裂肌损伤后的再生促进 作用及对IGF1表达的影响[J].环球中医药,2015,8(05):513-517.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16741749.2015.05.001]
 PENG Yuan yuan,ZHANG Li,LIU Tong,et al.Effect of electroacupuncture at BL40 on morphology repairment and IGF1 expression in rats with multifidus muscle injury[J].,2015,8(05):513-517.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16741749.2015.05.001]

电针“委中”穴对大鼠腰多裂肌损伤后的再生促进 作用及对IGF1表达的影响()




Effect of electroacupuncture at BL40 on morphology repairment and IGF1 expression in rats with multifidus muscle injury
PENG Yuanyuan ZHANG Li LIU Tong et al.
School of Acupunturemoxibustion and Tuina, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China Corresponding author: ZHANG Li, Email: zhangli1572@sina.com
ElectroacupunctureMultifidus muscle injuryBupivacaineBL40 BL23IGF1
目的观察电针委中穴对腰部多裂肌损伤后的干预作用及对胰岛素样生长因子1(insulin like growth factor 1,IGF1)表达的影响,探求委中穴对大鼠腰肌损伤后再生修复的可能机制。方法雄性SD大鼠120只,随机分为空白组、模型对照组、模型组、电针委中组、电针肾俞组,共5组,观察3个时间点(4天、7天、14天)的变化,每个时间点8个样本。 将0.5%布比卡因盐酸盐溶液按每点100 μL注射于模型组和电针组大鼠L4、L5水平的多裂肌上。模型对照组采用同样方法注射生理盐水,空白组不做处理。造模后进行电针双侧委中穴或肾俞穴分别治疗4天、7天、14天,HE染色观察肌细胞形态学的改变,免疫组化方法检测肌细胞IGF1的表达。结果造模前后多裂肌形态学改变显著,损伤后第14天仍未完全恢复。电针委中组与电针肾俞组从形态学上优于模型组。第4、7天模型组多裂肌IGF1的表达显著高于空白组(P<001);第4天电针委中组表达显著高于模型组(P<001),电针委中组表达高于电针肾俞组(P<005),电针肾俞组表达高于模型组(P<005),而在第14天,电针肾俞组表达显著高于模型组与电针委中组(P<001)。结论电针委中穴和电针肾俞穴均能够促进大鼠腰多裂肌损伤后的再生,电针委中穴在肌肉损伤的早期效果显著。
ObjectiveTo observe the effect of electroacupuncture on multifidus musle injury by morphological observation and insulin like growth factor 1(IGF1) expression of rats with bupivacaine induced multifidus muscle toxicity, and discuss the possible mechanism of muscle tissue regeneration. Methods120 male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into blank group (BG), model control group(CG), model group (MG), Weizhong (BL40) electroacupuncture group (WG) and Shenshu(BL23) electroacupuncture group (SG), each group then was divided evenly into three time points (day4, day7 and day14) and each time point has 8 samples. Multifidus muscle (L4 and L5 sections) toxicity was established by injecting 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride, and normal saline injection as control (CG). The WG and LG accepted electroacupuncture for 4d, 7d or 14d after modeling. The multifidus muscle of each rodent was stained with HE to observe pathological changes, and immunehistochemical staining was used to observe IGF1 expression. ResultsBupivacaine caused a process of degenerationregeneration of the muscle fibers and did not normalize at day 14. WG and SG were recovered faster than MG. The expression of IGF1 at day 4 ranked as MG higher than BG (P<0.01), WG higher than MG and SG (P<0.01, P<0.05), and SG higher than MG (P<0.05), while ranked as SG higher than MG and WG (P<0.01) at day14. Conclusion Electroacupuncture at both BL40 and BL23 could promote the regeneration of tissue after multifidus muscle injury, and it seems better therapy effect when electroacupuncture at BL40.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81141120) 作者单位:100029,北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院\[彭园园(硕士研究生)、张莉、刘通(博士研究生)、陈玉佩(硕士研究生)\],基础医学院(葛东宇),科研实验中心(毛颖秋) 作者简介:彭园园(1988- ),女,2012级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:针灸临床机理研究。Email:175808605@qq.com 通讯作者:张莉(1957- ),女,博士,博士生导师,教授。研究方向:针灸临床机理研究。Email:zhangli1572@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01