|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]孙爱静 庞素秋 王国权.中药白及化学成分与药理活性研究进展[J].环球中医药,2016,9(04):507-511.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.04.038]
 SUN Ai-jing,PANG Su-qiu,WANG Guo-quan,et al.Advances of chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Bletilla striata[J].,2016,9(04):507-511.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.04.038]





Advances of chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Bletilla striata
孙爱静 庞素秋 王国权
362000 福建泉州,中国人民解放军第180医院临床药学科(孙爱静、庞素秋); 华侨大学生物医学学院(王国权)
SUN Ai-jing PANG Su-qiu WANG Guo-quan et al.
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, 180th Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, Quanzhou 362000, China
白及 药理活性 化学成分 研究进展
Bletilla striata Pharmacological activities Chemical constituents Research progress
Bletilla striata is a perennial herb. The tubers of Bletilla striata were used to treat hemoptysis, hematemesis, trauma and bleeding, ulcers and swellings, ulcer and pains, burns, skin chapping, etc. based on the function of astringing to arrest bleeding and detumescence and tissue regeneration. Researches showed that bibenzyl, dihydrophenanthrene, blestriarene, dihy-drophenantropyrans, steroid, triterpenoids, sesquiterpenes have been isolated from Bletilla striata. Modern pharmacological research showed that the tubers of Bletilla striata have been widely used for antibacterial, hemostatic, antitumor, fight ulcer, anti-fibrosis, antioxidant, promoting wound healing, etc. Bletilla striata has a long history to treat diseases, and the chemical component and pharmacological activity of it has been studied deeply. In this article, new development of constituents and biological activities of Bletilla striata was reviewed and summarized for its further development and utilization.


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作者简介: 孙爱静(1986- ),女,博士,药师。研究方向:生物活性物质筛选及药理研究。E-mail:wowangie@163.com
通讯作者: 庞素秋(1972- ),女,博士,副主任药师。研究方向:生物活性物质筛选及药理研究。E-mail:ahpang20031300@hotmail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-04-06