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 ZHANG Jian-mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan-sheng,et al.Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and glycyrrhiza on pathological morphology of liver of ascites rat under different times[J].,2016,9(05):534-539.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.004]





Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and glycyrrhiza on pathological morphology of liver of ascites rat under different times
100029 北京中医药大学基础医学院[张建美(硕士研究生)、许皖(硕士研究生)、郭岩松(硕士研究生)、修琳琳(博士研究生)、王思睿(硕士研究生)],基础医学院方药系(钟赣生、柳海艳),科研实验中心(贾旭); 中国中医药出版社(赵桐)
ZHANG Jian-meiXU WanZHONG Gan-shenget al.
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
反药组合 甘遂 甘草 肝脏病理形态
Combination of incompatible herb Kansui Glycyrrhiza Pathological morphology of liver
目的 同给药次数条件下的甘遂半夏汤加减甘遂甘草反药组合对腹水模型大鼠肝脏病理形态的影响。 方法 采用Walker-256细胞制造癌性腹水模型,将Wistar大鼠按体重随机分为空白组、模型组、阳性对照组、全方给药一次组、去草给药一次组、去遂给药一次组、去草遂给药一次组、全方给药二次组、去草给药二次组、去遂给药二次组、去草遂给药二次组,共计11组。给药一次组每天上午给药1次,给药二次组上午、下午各给药1次,一二次组每天给药总量一致。腹水长成14天后取材,摘取肝脏,制成病理切片,在光镜下观察大鼠肝脏的病理形态变化,并进行半定量评分。 结果 模型组肝细胞损伤严重,全方给药一次组及二次组肝损伤较模型组明显减轻,且一次组的减轻程度大于二次组。与全方一次组比较,去草一次组、去遂一次组、去草遂一次组肝损伤加重; 与全方二次组比较,去草二次组、去遂二次组、去草遂二次组肝损伤加重。结论 全方给药一次组和二次组对肝损伤均有一定的改善作用,给药一次组的改善作用优于给药二次组; 全方组损伤修复及抗炎作用优于全方去掉一味或两味反药组。
Objective To observe the effect of combination of incompatible herb of kansui and glycyrrhiza in modification of prescriptions of Gansui Banxia decoction on pathological morphology of liver of ascites rats under different times of administration. Methods Walker-256 cells were used to make the malignant ascites rat model. The Wistar rats were randomly divided into blank group, model group, furosemide group, once or twice of Gansui Banxia decoction group, once or twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza group, once or twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed kansui group, once or twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza and kansui group. Once group was gavaged at morning, and twice group was gavaged morning and afternoon, which the total dose was as much as the once group. After 14 days' feed, the liver of every rat was collected to observe pathomorphological changes, and semi-quantitative ratings was conducted. Results Liver cell damage of model group was very serious, while the once and twice of Gansui Banxia decoction group was alleviated, and the once group was better than twice group.Compared with the once of Gansui Banxia decoction group, the liver cell damage of once of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza group, once of Gansui Banxia decoction removed kansui group, once of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza and kansui group was aggravated. Compared with the twice of Gansui Banxia decoction group, the liver cell damage of twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza group, twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed kansui group, twice of Gansui Banxia decoction removed glycyrrhiza and kansui group was aggravated. Conclusion The once and twice of Gansui Banxia decoction group has certain improvement effect on liver injury, and the once group is better than twice group; Injury repair and anti inflammatory effect of Gansui Banxia decoction group is beteer than Gansui Banxia decoction removed one or two incompatible herb.


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 GUO Yan song,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and trichosanthes[J].,2015,8(05):1025.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.001]
 XU Wan,ZHANG Jian mei,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and fritillary[J].,2015,8(05):1031.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.002]
 XU Wan,ZHANG Jian mei,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility aconitum and pinellia ternate[J].,2015,8(05):1038.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.003]
 XIU Lin lin,ZHONG Gan sheng,ZHANG Jian mei,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility sargassum and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1044.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.004]
 XIU Lin lin,ZHONG Gan sheng,ZHANG Jian mei,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility genkwa flos and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1050.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.005]
 ZHANG Jian mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility kansui radix and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1053.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.006]
 ZHANG Jian mei,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility euphorbia pekinensis and glycyrrhiza[J].,2015,8(05):1059.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.007]
 GUO Yan song,XU Wan,ZHONG Gan sheng,et al.Review on the experimental studies of suitable and contraindicant conditions of Chinese medicine antagonism compatibility ginseng and veratrum nigrum[J].,2015,8(05):1064.[doi:10.3969/jissn.1674-1749.2015.09.008]
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 XU Wan,LIU Hai-yan,ZHONG Gan-sheng,et al.Comparing the effect of Gansui Banxia decoction plus or reduce kansui and varieties of glycyrrhiza on the CYP450 mRNA of liver of ascites model rats[J].,2016,9(05):521.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.002]


基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2011CB505306); 北京中医药大学2015年度基本科研业务费项目(在读研究生项目)(2015-JYB-XS033)
作者简介: 张建美(1986- ),女,2013级在读硕士研究生。研究方向:中药药性理论研究。E-mail:kkmm20110814@163.com
通讯作者: 钟赣生(1961- ),硕士,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:中药药性理论研究。 E-mail:zhonggansheng@sohu.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-05-06