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 SUN Yan,SHANG Qing-hui..Research advances intriterpenoids constituents and pharmacological action of Boswellia carterii[J].,2016,9(05):616-620.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1749.2016.05.029]





Research advances intriterpenoids constituents and pharmacological action of Boswellia carterii
021000 呼伦贝尔市人民医院静脉用药调配室
SUN Yan SHANG Qing-hui.
Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Services, Hulunbeier People's Hospital,Hulunbeier 021000, China
乳香 乳香酸 三萜化合物 药理活性
Boswellia carterii Birdw. Boswellic acid Triterpenoids Pharmacological activity
In this study, the recent progress in the research of triterpenoids and pharmacological activities of frankincense, the gum resin of Boswellia carterii or the other plants to the same species mainly consisting of chemical constituents, such as pentacyclic triterpenoid and tetracyclic triterpenoid, was reviewed. Investigations demonstrated that resin had the following pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, antitumor, inducing differentiation and apoptosis, anti-ulcer, hypoglycemic action, improvement on learning and memory, etc. The results also indicated that fewer adverse reactions and potential medicinal value of this material. The research will provide reference for further research of Boswellia carterii.


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作者简介: 孙妍(1988- ),女,硕士,药师。研究方向:天然药物化学。E-mail:sunyan7773@126.com
通讯作者: 商庆辉(1974- ),硕士,副主任临床药师。研究方向:临床药理学。E-mail:shangqh_0126@eyou.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-05-06